
to transform your wellness journey
and shift stagnant energy

so you can manifest the life you truly desire

Hi I’m Debra,

Transfluent Guide for Soulful Solopreneurs

Long story short: I help you get out of your own way. Your health, wealth and overall quality of life will improve when you work with me.

My journey started as a young girl, constantly told I was too sensitive. For much of my life, I took that to heart. I let it get in my way and stop me from being WHO I AM.

I have had more than my fair share of health issues and near death experiences because of the “stuck” energy in my body causing dis-ease. And I kept falling victim to the limiting beliefs and blocks that peppered my journey.

Like me, you probably see your sensitivities as stumbling blocks on a winding path to success. I see them as the magic that will catapult you there… IF you let them.

And, like me, you probably feel like, no matter what you do, nothing seems to really improve. Your body isn’t functioning optimally; your brain isn’t as sharp as it once was; your cashflow isn’t ideal (or perhaps one mishap away from non-existent).

That’s no way to live, is it?

What if I told you that you could kickstart a MASSIVE SHIFT with just one little bottle of Golden Drops?

Just 10 drops a day of golden goodness to help you hop on a different path to wellness and abundant JOY.

Once you’re feeling the almost-immediate benefits of the Golden Drops, you can also tap into my coaching programs to help you stand BOLDLY and APOLOGETICALLY in your power. My Soul Purpose Formula guides you in transforming your life into an aligned and abundant celebration of your Authentic Self…

I am also a powerful practitioner of the Timeline Reset and Delete Reset methods that remove your blocks FOREVER. They also remove the emotional charge without having to revisit the event.

Yes, you read that right. It cleanses you of your emotional bullshit so that you can get on with channelling your sensitivities as your superpower.

I firmly believe that changing your habits, changes the way you do life. I’m living proof. My coaching passion is deeply rooted in this practice, which I’ve seen transform the lives of so many people.

It’s not through a stroke of serendipity that you’ve found yourself on this page. It’s because YOU ARE READY.

Time to make a move and start living your Soul Purpose. Let’s chat!

Debra xx

Ready to make a shift?

To get started, I recommend checking out the details of the Golden Drops – this is a perfect, cost-effective and incredibly potent change you can make in your life RIGHT NOW with virtually immediate benefits.

Time to Level ip

If you are looking for a mentor to help you move along your path BOLDLY and UNAPOLOGETICALLY, check out my coaching programs. I hold powerful space for your transformation through my 3-step Soul Purpose Forumla.

three Step Process


In order to create life-long change I recommend following each step consecutively


Delete Reset

3 hour Deep Dive


Unapologetically You – Alchemising Joy

9-Week Program


Change your Habits, Change your Life. Today.

12 Month Program

You are on a mission to:

  • Harness CLARITY on your path
  • Uncover and remove all blocks that hinder your growth
  • Powerfully redesign your direction in alignment with your Soul Purpose
  • Dive deep to discover, own and wield the hidden magic you hold within
  • Live your BEST life
  • Launch your passionate new venture with tailored support
  • Hone your intuition and use it practically in life and business
  • Get your business online with your magnetic attraction in alignment
  • Live your own TRUTH
Aligning with your AUTHENTIC SELF is the place to start! Let me tune into your energy to uncover your UNIQUE GENIUS so you can gift it to the world.

Free Gift


The Magical Manifesting Journal on a bed with a lamp lantern and candle

What makes you TRULY HAPPY?

Do you really know?

Want to discover your Soul’s Purpose so that you can live your best life?

Fill in your details below to receive our free E-book from your Soul Purpose Specialist titled “Magical Manifesting Happiness Journal.”

More than 20 pages of wisdom, inspiration to empower your WHY!

Plus practical tips to improve your wellness, love and discovering your authentic self

The Magical Manifesting Journal on a bed with a lamp lantern and candle

My Best Selling book

Wild Woman Rising eBook Debra J Hicks lady holding ebook with coffee


I always knew I had a story to tell. You don’t go through the childhood I had without learning a thing or two from the University of Life. But my journey spans much longer than the youth I spent hiding the truth of my Self.

It took decades, a range of experiences, trusting my intuitive nudges, and a literal broken heart to get to where I am today. It is this unique set of experiences, and the transformational process I created as a result, that allows me to guide my clients in designing the lives they truly desire and actually LIVING THEM.

In my chapter of the best-selling co-authored book Wild Woman Rising, I share the experiences that set me on the path that brought me back home to Self and some of the tools I use with my clients to facilitate their innermost transformations.

All proceeds are donated to charity Girl Rising

Kind Words

Client Love