Unapologetically You Program

Alchemising Joy

Being Unapologetically You

9-WEEK Personalised 1:1 Program

Are you feeling lost?

Living a life that is not your soul purpose?

This program’s mission is to release the parts of you that are holding you back, that get in the way of you being who you truly are.

Unapologetically You program’s high frequency and deeply healing purpose is to show you how to be you, unapologetically.

It’s a deeply inspiring journey home to self that has a ripple effect on everyone around you.

This is for the SEEKER

For men and women who have lost themselves, who’ve been doing life according to everyone else’s needs and expectations.

It’s for the tired and the uninspired. It’s for those who want to find themselves and release the emotional baggage, habits and behaviours – or even addictions – that get in their way.

This is for SOULS

Who want to awaken, step into a glorious way of living, and fall deeply in love with their life , do life with ease and grace, and manifest great abundance.

This is about the death of the old and birth of the new. Bringing in stability and power in the most supportive and cutting-edge containership.

Why You Need Unapologetically You

If you need to clear the chitter chatter in your head when you compare yourself to others or are looking for a way out of the spiral of self judgment, pain, shame and trauma and find a deep desire to activate the codes to be
This is it.

We explore

The conscious mind
The unconscious programming

The energy body
The soul body

No stone is unturned and it’s a complete therapy.

Unapologetically You is your next step if:

This program will give you clarity on what steps to take, and remove the obstacles in your mind and emotional body so you can jump into a world of love and unapologetic BEing in your joy and abundance state.

Allow this journey to activate your

A woman outside playing with her child and practicing a yoga pose on grassland with sun in background

Divine Healing




Quieting the Mind to allow

Here's what's included:

Emerald Package

The Emerald Package is a journey through the deep clearing, healing, motivating modalities that connect you with your soul and guide you to your true self.

Your Investment: $4,497 AUD

Flexible payment options available.

OR Diamond Package

The Diamond package offers the deepest transformation and the space to create new habits and behaviours that become your every day.

Imagine waking up feeling energised and alive! And just loving you!

Your Investment: $7000 AUD

Flexible payment options available.

Meet Debra Hicks

I’m Debra. I am on a mission to create a healing space that shows people how to step into a life of ease. How to stop the guilt and shame. How to soothe the sadness and hurts from past events that keep people stuck on an emotional treadmill.

Throughout my life, I kept falling victim to the limiting beliefs and blocks and experiences I had throughout my life, taken from childhood and adult experiences alike.

I allowed myself to play small and stay hidden, until one day, I thought
“Stop bullshitting yourself, Debra! It’s time to start LIVING!”

When I was recovering at my childhood home from pacemaker surgery, femoral stent surgery, and a 2-year case of contact dermatitis, the family decided to sell it. This threw me into a spin until I realised this was a nudge (or, really, a slap in the face!) from the Universe to start REALLY LIVING.

I had been letting the ebb and flow of life take me from experience to experience without considering what it was that I actually wanted from life. And it dawned on me that I had no idea what that was; no idea who I was!

I knew that, if I was going to get anywhere, I had to take control of my life. So, I packed my car and set off on a 12-month journey of self discovery. Since then, I have found my soul purpose, cultivated a beautifully aligned business and community, and guided clients to live boldly and unapologetically through empowering programs that create true transformation.

Big hugs,

Debra x

What my clients share

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