Wild Woman Rising
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Featuring Debra J Hicks
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All proceeds are donated to charity Giri Rising.
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Once we have your foundation, you will feel the thrill of seeing the full depths of your passions surface. I will guide you as you design a plan for your best life, with dedicated actions to be taken over the next 12 months.
What you get:
- 8 x 60 min 1:1 Weekly Coaching and Mentoring sessions
- 8 Weekly Modules that will change you and the world as you see it now
- Unlimited text for the 8 weeks (during business hours)
- 8 weeks' access to your real-time Google Doc (during business hours)
- "Change your habits, Change your life” – A 12 month calendar workbook to record and measure your results
- All of the 9 processes and workbooks from the “Happiness Tool Box”
- Lifetime membership into the closed Facebook Group “Colour Me Happy – Intentions with Heart”
- "Your Magical Manifesting Happiness Journal" (printable PDF)
- Digital Vision Board Creation workbook + Canva template (printable PDF)